We are no longer accepting applications for Philippines 2024, but if you would like more information about the program please email [email protected]
About the program
ProgRESSVet is a training program designed to build capacity in the animal health and veterinary workforce to improve local, national, and regional practices for animal health, and to promote access to international trade markets for sustained local development.
Our program in Southeast Asia was designed for animal health and veterinary professionals in Vietnam and the Philippines. The program is meant to support participants as they develop the knowledge, skills, and relationships necessary to excel and contribute to addressing the challenge of African Swine Fever (ASF) in their region and around the globe.
ProgRESSVet Southeast Asia is supported by the National Livestock Program, Bureau of Animal Industry with funding from USDA FAS and support from the NPPC. It has been our good fortune to work with our partners in the Philippines: Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Philippine College of Swine Practitioners, and International Training Center on Pig Husbandry.
The program was launched in 2021 with our ProgRESSVet Vietnam participants and has expanded into the Philippines in May 2023, and continues to grow with our second Philippines cohort in March 2024.
ProgRESSVet Southeast Asia spans the full spectrum of CAHFS's program areas and leverages partnerships from across the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine and our global network. Faculty, researchers, residents, and staff work in collaboration to develop online education modules on topics including ASF control, data analysis and management, and international organizations and trade to familiarize participants with the dimensions of ASF control activities and related policy support for disease mitigation efforts.